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Messages - spymaster-d

Pages: [1]
AW:Dark Age / Re: First Thoughts
« on: March 04, 2014, 10:09:40 PM »
Thanks. I see the rules for population now.

For some reason I was expecting an option to acquire new holdings in the XP rewards section.

I see that the "Draw Someone Out" move covers covers most social negotiation situations.

Is there a system mechanic for banking political favors? eg: I helped you three times, so you owe me an obligation, but it's not quite as severe as an oath. Maybe I'll cash in that obligation for free passage through your holdings, or to borrow your war-band.

AW:Dark Age / My First Thoughts
« on: March 04, 2014, 04:17:44 AM »
What I liked:
"Fates" are awesome. Combined morale and HP. Very nice.
"Oaths" are better than bonds or history.
The XP system is elegant, beautiful.
Some characters can even invoke their prophecy by spending XP. (Dragon Herald)

What I didn't like as much:
+1 forward is kinda boring. Have you considered giving an additional die instead? Roll 3d6, choose 2. Everyone loves rolling more dice.

The "Helping" mechanic lacks drama. Have you considered flipping it, such the the character in-need is prohibited from specifying details of how the rescuer can help?

What confused me:

It seems like the game is about social manipulation, political maneuvering and orchestrating prophecy, and that combat takes a back seat. However, I didn't see specific mechanics for negotiations, or any specific incentive for social manipulation. For example, it wasn't clear to me how a player can gain ranks or new holdings.

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