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Messages - Locnar

Pages: [1] 2
Dungeon World / Re: Ran DW with Younger Kids and..
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:59:04 AM »
That is brave. I don't even like to run games with 8 players who are adults. It's just too many players for me.

Dungeon World / Ran DW with Younger Kids and..
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:54:02 AM »
it went really well (for the most part.) I ran for 3 kids ages 9-12 and one other adult. In short, a good time was had by all.

There was only one issue that I feel could be a good discussion. One player (my son specifically) was VERY enthusiastic. This is not a problem exactly, except that he wanted to do EVERYTHING. With no turn structure in DW, I had to struggle to give some of the other players spotlight time. One of the other players is much more quiet/shy and could quickly be overshadowed. My son became frustrated a few times because I had to make him wait so other players could give responses. To be fair, this is still better than having players who are bored/passive.

This lack of structure was the only real issue I had. Everyone had a good time overall. I did have to break them of "looking at a list of moves" instead of just describing what they would like to do. For example: At one point, my son wanted to try to incapacitate an attacker without killing them. He says "well, I can't do that, hack and slash kills them." I had to let him know to just describe what he was doing and how, and that he'd be given the opportunity. Breaking habits from other more "rigid" games! However, by the end of the session they were getting it. At the end, the Paladin had an epic one on one battle with an Orc Chief that was full of all kinds of moves that were not just Hack n Slash.

Anyone else ever struggle with making sure the shy types don't get pushed out by the less reserved?

Monster of the Week / Re: The Crusader
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:17:20 AM »
I didn't know it was that easy! :)

Monster of the Week / Re: The Crusader
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:54:35 AM »
Is there some way to acquire The Divine or was that kickstarter only?

Dungeon World / Re: Another Monk playbook
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:50:16 AM »
This is really well done. Great job.

Dungeon World / Re: 13th Age Icons
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:33:11 AM »
Except that Icons are not gods. They are just the major movers and shakers in the world. (Sure, they usually have immense power, but they do actually walk the world.)

Dungeon World / Re: Help noob with custom move
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:24:55 PM »
In the lastest iteration, it seems like you would never not choose the first option, so why not build that into the setup of the 7-9 option?
Something like:

7-9: You spend time dealing with a danger, but still manage to arrive in the nick of time. Choose one.
Encounter something foul
Encounter something tricky
Lose valuable equipment or take minor damage in a mad dash through the underbrush

I think I like this. More focused and a little less hard to understand.

Dungeon World / Re: Help noob with custom move
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:23:52 PM »
I'd come at the problem from defy danger. (The danger being whatever you like from the old forest)
Depending on how the players narratively say they are traversing the old forest - fiction first always -  suggest the characteristic they are defying danger on and make the danger clear, transparent and present. That way on a 7-9 you can offer any of the suggestions listed above as hard bargains, ugly choices, difficult spots or perilous consequences. On a miss, well just make the hardest move you like.

I can see some of the wisdom in this. Hard choice: "Your instincts detect movement or danger ahead, but if you choose to navigate around it, you'll lose valuable time getting to the village."

Dungeon World / Re: Help noob with custom move
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:22:01 PM »
In the lastest iteration, it seems like you would never not choose the first option, so why not build that into the setup of the 7-9 option?
Something like:

7-9: You spend time dealing with a danger, but still manage to arrive in the nick of time. Choose one.
Encounter something foul
Encounter something tricky
Lose valuable equipment or take minor damage in a mad dash through the underbrush

Well, the idea was the choice between getting there early (in order to have more time to prepare) and getting there just in the nick of time (with no time to prepare.) But yeah, I can see how that is a bit confusing and maybe not a compelling or interesting choice.

Dungeon World / Re: 13th Age Icons
« on: August 19, 2013, 01:27:09 PM »
I don't know how much hacking it really needs. You could really just take the Icons part of the game pretty much wholesale. It's already very story-game oriented.

Dungeon World / Re: Help noob with custom move
« on: August 16, 2013, 02:20:45 PM »
Hmm. That does make me think.

I wonder if it should be more focused on time.

When you cut through the old forest to save the village roll +WIS.

On 10+ you get there well ahead of the danger
7-9: Choose two
Spend time avoiding danger but arrive just in the nick of time instead of early
Encounter something foul
Encounter something tricky
Lose valuable equipment or take minor damage in a mad dash through the underbrush

6: this was a bad idea

Dungeon World / Re: Help noob with custom move
« on: August 16, 2013, 01:03:46 PM »
Well, I didn't think of using perilous journey, because it was more in the context of "We could get to the village faster if we cut through the old forest." I was thinking of it as a few hours, not a long overland trek.

But I see how you could just shrink down the peril journey to a shorter time period.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Dungeon World / Help noob with custom move
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:35:27 AM »
I'm a total noob to Dungeon World. For my first session, I'd like to offer a trek through a dangerous forest as a possible way for the adventure to go. Thought I'd take a crack at a custom move. Tell me what you think:

When you trek through the old dark forest roll + WIS:

10+ all three
7-9: choose 2
  • Don't get attacked by something foul
  • Don't get the attention of something tricky (sprites, dryads, etc)
  • Don't get lost and lose valuable time
6+ none

Any feedback is welcome. I should note that one of the issues for the party might be getting somewhere quickly.

Dungeon World / Re: Criticals?
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:38:51 AM »
Criticals: I look at critical failure this way: the riskier your action, the more it goes bad when you fail.

Dungeon World / 13th Age Icons
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:38:04 AM »
Just reading through my copy of 13th age from Pelgrane Press. It's game world is of course stealable (just outlined enough but with plenty of "empty space" to fill in.)

But, the "Icons" story system would be very easy to import to DW, and would fit very well. Bascially, you have relationships with the major powers of the game world that the player gets to define. Then they can roll dice to see if those relationships will come into play into the next adventure/story. Cool stuff. 

Check it out if you like that sort of thing.

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