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Messages - Dodger

Pages: [1]
Apocalypse World / Re: The Cover
« on: August 12, 2010, 01:33:25 PM »
I just got mine in the mail last night. Wow, the cover is awesome! Well done.

Apocalypse World / An Arresting Skinner
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:00:23 PM »
Hi Guys,

I have a couple of questions on handling the skinner move "An Arresting Skinner."

   Here's the text:

An arresting skinner: when you remove a piece of clothing,
your own or someone else’s, no one who can see you can do
anything but watch. You command their absolute attention. If
you choose, you can exempt individual people, by name.

My questions all surround this hypothetical situation:

The text would seem to indicate that a skinner player could take off an article of clothing very slowly and force Player 2 to do nothing. The skinner could then exempt Player 3. The Player 3 could then shoot, maim, otherwise mutilate Player 2 without Player 2 being able to do anything (except maybe interfere with a history roll).

So, the questions:

1) If player 2 survives, and the skinner says she's still stripping, does Player 2 still have to stand there and take round after round of abuse from Player 3?

2) Can player 2 opt-out of the situation in any way? Maybe by acting under fire?

In the case of player 2 being replaced by an NPC, I'd say fuck him. We're looking at him through the crosshairs and giving the skinner PC the full benefit of her moves, so the NPC can just die.

But in the case of all PCs, isn't someone being deprived of the full benefits of their moves here?

   * In the case that player 2 is just fucked and can't do anything, he's the one deprived (of moves and even of the ability to play his character after a while).

   * In the case the player 2 can do something to look away, the skinner's player is deprived.

If the MC decides to rule in favor of either, or to veto the exchange, someone is being deprived, right? In any case, any feedback to help get my mind straight on this issue would be appreciated.

Apocalypse World / Re: Repeat Moves
« on: July 23, 2010, 05:20:08 AM »
I'm curious, Vincent, what's your motivation for forbidding repeat moves? Is there a particular situation that rule was created to solve?

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