Barf Forth Apocalyptica
barf forth apocalyptica => the nerve core => Topic started by: clayalien on June 24, 2015, 12:28:14 PM
Hi all,
Say one was to create a video game that was based off the apocalypse world setting and rules system, sort of like Baldur's Gate and DnD.
What would the licencing be for such a project? If it was add based? free? Paid? In app purchases? How about protocols for informing or involving Lumpley Games?
Just a thought experiment (for now), but I'm curious
It'd be pretty easy. You'd just email me. You'd tell me the sorts of numbers you have in mind for audience and revenue, and I'd tell you the sorts of numbers I have in mind for licensing, and we'd work something concrete out between us.
If it gets past the thought experiment stage, I'm definitely interested!