Barf Forth Apocalyptica
barf forth apocalyptica => Apocalypse World => Topic started by: Natalie on June 03, 2015, 05:51:23 PM
I read the new combat moves in the Patreon preview of the 2nd edition! They look really cool, but they weren't complete. Vincent's instructions include "FIRST DRAFT - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - DO NOT CIRCULATE", but also "give 'em a try if you want to".
I intend to integrate at least some of what I see in the draft in my next game, so I wanted a complete set of combat moves. I added the missing ones myself, and I thought I'd share. I'll respect the "do not circulate" part, as well as everyone else who paid money to see this exclusive preview, by not posting the rest of the moves for reference; however, let me just say this: in the new draft, the peripheral combat moves are replaced with an extensive move for each of a number of combat situations. These include "assaulting a held position", "single hand-to-hand combat" etc.
The list also includes three that were not included in full, so I wrote my own versions. They draw a lot from some of the other new combat moves; for example, the hunter's chase is very similar to the road war.
(If this consititutes revealing or circulating too much information, Vincent, just tell me and I will take it down. Hopefully, even people who have not seen the preview might gain something from reading these!)
Open massacre, a field massed with noncombatants
When you participate in a fight which is actually a straight-up massacre, each PC among the attackers chooses, blind, two of the following outcomes: one they wish their victims would do, and one they wish they wouldn’t:
- Disperse in all directions
- Hole up and don’t show themselves
- Bring forward something hidden, that the attackers want
- Fight back
- Die, every last one of them
Each PC among the victims chooses one outcome, blind; that’s the one they work towards.
For both sides, the MC makes the same choice if there are NPCs in that side. If one side contains more than one distinct group of NPCs, the MC may choose again for each such group, but must announce that they are doing so.
Reveal everyone’s choices. The attackers inflict harm as established.
If all victims chose the same outcome, that’s what happens. If the choice was to fight back, the next round is played using a different battle move – perhaps a chaotic free-for-all or an assault on a held position? Regardless, the victims don’t inflict any harm as a group until then.
If all attackers chose the same favoured outcome, and all victims chose it as well, the victims take -1harm.
If any victim’s choice was the disfavoured outcome of any attacker, all victims take +1harm.
If the victims chose different outcomes, everyone gets their choice, sort of:
- If you chose to disperse, the MC will tell you something you leave behind or something you take with you
- If you chose to hole up, the MC will tell you why your hiding place sucks
- If you chose to bring something forward, you either have it with you or you have their eyes on the one who does; the MC will detail
- If you chose to die, you personally take +1harm
- If you chose to fight back, you personally take +1harm but choose one:
- Take a single, short, personal action
- Name another victim; they get +1armor
If there are still enough victims standing for the attackers to keep at it, it continues another round.
Cat and mouse, trying to get the drop on each other
When you’re in a cat and mouse game, play it out in three-stage rounds.
Stage 1: the MC tells you about the terrain you’re playing in.
Stage 2: make your move and spend blind.
Stage 3: resolve everyone taking their shots.
If the battle isn’t over, go back to stage 1 and do it all again.
The terrain
There’s no safe and solid ground, not really. MC, choose at least 1 and describe it:
• a precipice • a wall • shifting ground
• an exposed place • an overhang • broken ground
During the rest of the round, if anyone manages to take real tactical advantage of the terrain, you can choose to give them a bonus. Judge the advantage they’ve taken and give them the bonus you think best:
• +1 to a roll • +1armor • +1position
• -1 to an enemy’s roll • +1harm • a move where they had none
The move
Roll+sharp. On 10+, spend 3. On 7-9, spend 2. On a miss, spend 1. Spend them blind, on the following:
- Stay out of sight.
- Gain the high ground. Each 1 that you spend gives you +1position.
- Take the shot; choose your target blind. Choose this again to inflict +1harm.
- Take a single, short, personal action.
For any side with NPC combatants, the MC gets to spend 2 for that side as well. The MC may choose to spend 1 or 3 instead for either side, but must declare that she’s doing so. 1 is for a gang weak, noisy, or lacking discipline; 3 is for a gang uncanny, devoted, or well-coordinated.
Reorder all combatants in order of cumulative position, from least to greatest. Then resolve all shots taken in that same order. If you took the shot, reveal your target. If they are out of sight, you get -1position. Otherwise, inflict your harm as established. Regardless, if you were keeping our of sight, pay 2-position or you are in plain view of all.
Afterwards, the players with the highest position may choose to withdraw from the battle, or stay in. Every other player may choose to make a break for it, or stay in. If someone makes a break, others can follow. Initiate a running gunfight or a hunter’s chase (MC’s choice) where each participating player gets their position to spend on covering ground the first round.
Regardless, everyone who’s still in the cat and mouse game continue to the next round, with terrain, as above.
A hunter’s chase
When you’re in a hunter’s chase, play it out in two-stage rounds.
Stage 1: the MC tells you about the terrain you’re playing in.
Stage 2: make your move and exchange harm.
If the chase isn’t over, go back to stage 1 and do it all again.
The hunters start at position=0. The prey start at position=1, if they started in the same room as the hunters; position=2, if they were within sight; position=4, if they were out of sight.
The terrain
There’s no safe and solid ground, not really. MC, choose at least 1 and describe it:
• a precipice • a wall • shifting ground
• an exposed place • an overhang • broken ground
During the rest of the round, if anyone manages to take real tactical advantage of the terrain, you can choose to give them a bonus. Judge the advantage they’ve taken and give them the bonus you think best:
• +1 to a roll • +1armor • +1position
• -1 to an enemy’s roll • +1harm • a move where they had none
The move
The hunters inflict harm as established on their prey. Roll+hard. On 10+, spend 3. On 7-9, spend 2. On a miss, spend 1. Spend blind, on the following:
- Take a single, short, personal action.
- Cover ground. Each one that you spend gives you +1position.
Hunters can also spend on this:
- Shoot to kill. Add +1harm to the harm your side inflicts.
Prey can also spend on this:
- Take cover. Add +1armor to your side.
- Fight tooth and claw. Optionally take -1position, and then inflict your harm as established on a hunter with the same position as you.
For any side with NPC combatants, the MC gets to spend 2 for that side as well. The MC may choose to spend 1 or 3 instead for either side, but must declare that she’s doing so. 1 is for a gang weak, afraid, or lacking leadership or will; 3 is for a gang fearless, devoted, or mindless.
Position: reorder the combatants in cumulative position order, from least to greatest. Resolve the hunters’ spends before those of their prey.
After the exchange of harm, the hunters can break off, if they want. Otherwise it continues to the next round, with terrain, as above. Remember, if the prey starts shooting back, it turns into a running gunfight or a game of cat and mouse (MC will detail).
Pretty cool ideas here, especially the Cat and Mouse and Hunter's Chase. I wouldn't be surprised if Vincent's versions of those moves don't end up pretty similar!
The Open Massacre is a bit more difficult to wrap my head around, what with the interactions between favored outcomes from the attackers and the victims...It makes sense, but feels a bit clunky to me.
Everything I've seen from 2nd ed is cool as hell, and I strongly advise everybody to head over to Patreon and check it out (as well as everything else Vincent is showing on there)!