Barf Forth Apocalyptica

barf forth apocalyptica => brainstorming & development => Topic started by: spigot on January 21, 2015, 09:54:45 PM

Post by: spigot on January 21, 2015, 09:54:45 PM
So I'm taking a break from my big game Fourth World and doing this 90s/00s Horror RPG mashup (Don't Rest Your Head, Unknown Armies, World of Darkness, Kult) where you play awful people who get magic powers from being dickheads. The aim of the game is to fight extradimensional monsters and attempt to survive the consequences of your own fucked up actions.

Basically, the way the game works is you've got 7 Sin meters ranging from Minor, to Major, to Purestrain - these are what you've got instead of stats, and they're constantly fluctuating depending on how you conduct yourself. For instance, your Wrath is determined by how violently you react to disappointment - Minor means breaking replaceable stuff and screaming abuse at people, Major means breaking irreplaceable stuff and beating people up, Purestrain means murder and mass arson or something. Each Sin gets a move whose modifier is determined by that Sin's intensity - None at all is -1, Minor is =0, Major +1 and Purestrain +2. Additionally, doing the stuff you need to do to get your Sin to a new level of intensity rewards you with Juice, even if you've already attained that level of intensity. For instance, beating someone up when you get upset would get you some Major Juice. Juice is only awarded when it comes at some cost to yourself though - whether that's a risk or a guaranteed cost. Unlike Unknown Armies, you can use your cool powers to earn Juice.

Here's some material because the main doc's not in a state to link yet:


Your Pride is determined by how you react to failure:
? Minor Pride: Refuse to admit fault or defeat, even when it would be a good idea.
? Major Pride: Refuse to admit fault or defeat, even when your long term health, happiness and freedom are at stake.
? Purestrain Pride: Refuse to admit fault or defeat no matter what, and, if able, carry on as if everything had gone as you wanted.

Sketch of two Pride powers:

? You get armour which fails the first time you take harm. You can also spend Juice to resist taking harm (in excess of your armour) and Conditions, but only so long as you have none of either.

? Straight up blast people with light and stun them or melt their eyes out.

Your Wrath is determined by how you react to not getting what you want:
? Minor Wrath: Break someone’s stuff, chew them out.
? Major Wrath : Hurt someone bad, destroy something irreplaceable.
? Purestrain Wrath: Kill someone.

If someone was directly responsible for things not going how you wanted, they’re first priority to get hurt. Same goes for your stuff - if your car runs out of gas, you get out your golf stick and wreck it.

sidebar - Pride and Wrath
So how do you get angry at someone when you won’t admit there’s anything wrong? Easy - you don’t admit there’s anything wrong, but you calmly, decisively fuck up anyone responsible, all the while insisting that’s not why you’re doing it.


Wrath juice stacks damage on top of the damage you’ve done and makes you better at hurting people - you become a whirlwind of violence and more blood than seems possible jets forth from the flesh of your victims and fire burns hotter and pain stings harder. Minor juice adds 1 harm, Major adds 2, and Purestrain adds 4. This can take your harm above 6, in which case whoever or whatever you hit is exploded into a fine paste.

You can also spend the Juice to add harm when you scream abuse at people, causing your victims to break out in shingles, catch fire or kill themselves.

Lastly, you can spend Juice to improve your weapons. Minor Juice improves your weapon’s range by one grade, Major Juice gives it the area tag.

You can hit stuff to make it work. Minor Juice covers regular stuff - a flat tire, a password you don’t know. Major Juice will fix stuff that is not technically fixable, like empty gas tanks and severed legs. Purestrain Juice means it will never stop working again - just, please don’t hit it.

The stuff works, but it’s visibly unhappy with doing so - gears creak, grind and crash, hard drives screech and grumble, screens flicker and people moan in agony. Plus, it breaks down even worse the moment you’re done with it (Except when you fix it with Purestrain Juice.).

Also, when I say “fixed” it doesn’t have to mean fixed, I just mean it works as well as it would have if it had been - it makes no difference whether someone’s legs start working again or they run around on their hands and balance stuff on their head.

If someone fucks you over, and you decide to pursue them and fuck them up, you get 2 armor against any harm you take in the course of doing that. You take the damage and everything, it just doesn’t slow you down, and you get better eventually.

If you stare at something hard enough, shit will catch fire. Minor Juice for small, flammable stuff, Major Juice for a car, and Purestrain for a stadium or something.


Celebrity Skin
When you you watch a video or stare at a photo of someone and hate yourself for not looking like them, you can turn into them. For Minor Juice, you look like a really good impersonator - you can fool pretty much anyone who’s not personally familiar with them. For Major juice, you look just like them - indistinguishable. For Purestrain juice, you look just like them, but better in some indescribable way, and people will think they’re the fake - take an advantage to any move which exploits their looks.

Evil Eye
You work like a voodoo doll, but for everyone. If you give someone the evil eye, or you spit curses at them or give them the finger or something, they take ap harm up to how much you’re holding depending on what Juice you spend. For Minor Juice, you can do up to 2 ap harm. For Major juice, up to 4 ap harm. For Purestrain juice, up to 6 ap harm. You can spend more potent juice to do the prior tier’s harm to everyone inside an area - and you can pick and choose who it hits.

If you get killed, you can spend some Purestrain Juice to kill the fucker who killed you.

Sour Grapes
When you hate someone for having something you don’t - even animals - you can fuck them over.

For Minor juice, they fuck up the next time they try and do something you couldn’t. You don’t have a gun? Their trigger jams for a second. You’re missing an arm? Their arm gets weak or is wracked with spasms. You don’t know how to defuse a bomb? For one vital moment, neither do they. You can’t fly? You can’t breathe fire? You can’t talk to people you’re hot for? Well guess what.

For Major Juice, they get fucked up for a while - guns fuck up full stop, their arm seizes up or goes totally limp. It clears up after a few days, but if it’s a capability they rely on in their day to day life the MS [Master of Scareamonies] will tell you a way in which it’s fucked them over when the scene ends. Gun guy gets hospitalised by a rival gang, arm guy can’t drive his car to a wedding.

For Purestrain juice, they get fucked up forever - guns just do not work for them ever again, and their arm withers to uselessness, as does any replacement arm. It’s possible to get over this, but it takes some powerful magic.

For one tier more powerful juice, you can hex everyone you run into that scene. That is, Purestrain juice would stick the same Major hex on everyone you run into.

Whatever you’ve inflicted on others with this move is undone if you yourself exercise the capabilities that you took away from them: If you use a gun, so can they. If you get a new arm, they get their old one back. If you work up the courage to talk to someone you’re hot for, they can too.


Next up will probably be Sloth and Lust, because those two are the hardest to handle and as such I've put more thought into them (Sloth because, if poorly handled, it can be boring as shit, and Lust because, if poorly handled, it can be creepy, offensive and genuinely damaging to people and I don't want that).
Post by: exit on February 03, 2015, 12:09:28 PM
I just want to say, this is really cool from a broad overview in a mechanical sense. The idea that your power derives directly from your narrative actions and that, in turn, those actions create another narrative chain on top of that sounds like it would be pretty compelling to me.

Getting into the detail though, the moves are pretty interesting. I particularly like the ones for Envy. That said, I'm not sure if scaling from minor to major manifestations of that sin necessarily fits every category (not sure if you find this with lust or sloth, for example). So in my view, I think it may be better to increase power in accordance to something very specific to that sin, which may of course be going from minor to major, a variant of that or something else entirely.

For example, Envy I think could be interesting if it's dependant on your hatred and jealousy of a particular person or group for whatever reason. With that in mind, a move like Celebrity Skin might have some pretty cool consequences; after harbouring so much jealousy toward that person or group, if your Envy is high enough, you can become and even surpass them.
Post by: spigot on February 04, 2015, 08:53:54 PM
That is really interesting and thank you so much for that feedback! Yes, linking the object of your Sins to your cool powers is a fantastic idea - it's an extra factor I can work into moves that I hadn't thought of before, so thank you.

Scalewise, yeah, one of the constraints on my design is that there's going to be 3 grades for every sin. I like stuff coming in threes, and I like consistent structures, and I'm sure players do too because consistency makes a game easier to understand on an intuitive level - you just assume the pattern will continue and it does. The other constraint is that all these intensity triggers come in the form of a player-centred narrative beat (Again, the when-then move structure is implicit here).

You mentioned Lust for instance - I had some trouble dividing that into 3 grades of narrative beats, but after a while I settled on the triggers being a scale of how many people would get tangled up in massive, explosive relationship dramas as a result of your action, as well as how often you expect to run into them afterwards - whether because they work at the video store with you or they would stalk/murder you interstate.


I've done some work on all the Sins by now, but I want to at least get the intensity triggers down before I do a big post on it.
Post by: spigot on February 07, 2015, 10:46:02 PM
Here's my first draft moves for Harm and madness (Harm I stole from this guy who I'll have to ask permission from before I put it out):


When you get fucked up, roll+armor

If it’s nasty but it wouldn’t kill you:
• On a 12+, you don't give a shit.
• On a 10-11, no big deal. Pick one from pain.
• On a 7-9, it hurts bad. Pick one from pain, the MS picks another.
• On a miss, that came out of nowhere. Pick one from pain. The MS can pick two more from pain or make you pick one from serious shit.

If it could kill you:
• On a 12+, you shrug it off. Pick one from pain.
• On a 10-11, it hurts like hell. Pick one from pain, the MS picks another.
• On a 7-9, you're hit bad, but you’ll probably make it. Pick one from serious shit, the MS picks one or two from pain.
• On a miss, you’re torn to shit. Pick two from serious shit, the MS picks another from pain.

If it could kill a bear:
• On a 12+, it hurts like a motherfucker, but you got really lucky. You pick one from pain, the MS picks another.
• On a 10-11, you got lucky but you’re still fucked up. Pick one from serious shit, the MS picks one from pain.
• On a 7-9, you're still here - barely. Pick two from serious shit, the MS picks one from pain.
• On a miss, you're fucked. Pick one from serious shit. The MC picks another and gives you one or two more from pain.

• You look like shit: bruised, swollen and dripping with blood.
• You’re knocked on your ass.
• You lose your grip on whatever you’re holding.
• You got bashed in the head: you’ve got no fucking idea what’s happening for the next few moments.
• You got the wind knocked out of you: you’ve gotta power through to do anything til you catch your breath.
• You broke a toe or a finger - you can yank it back into shape, but it hurts like hell.

Serious Shit
• You’re bleeding like a stuck pig.
• Some nasty shit got in the wound - gunshots’ll fester and you’ll vomit blood streaked with pus for a week.
• One of your limbs is broken, cut off, hanging by a thread - it’s useless.
• You’re knocked out cold.
• Your heart stops.
• You’ve lost an eye and you can’t see shit.

When you bear witness to some fucked up shit and go crazy, pick from between your most intense Sins. No matter what you pick, it trumps your survival instinct. If you pick
Pride, you insist to yourself and to everyone else that the shit could be dealt with if people would simply give you the chance - anyone who says otherwise is a traitor and a turncoat and must be made an example of.
Gluttony, you’ve got to disappear into whatever vice you’ve got as fast as you can: Drink yourself stupid, hyperventilate, shoot up, eat everything on hand - whatever.
Wrath, you lash out in a murderous rage at the shit itself, or at who or whatever you feel is most responsible for getting you into the shit.
Lust, you offer yourself to the shit - you’ll join it, or serve it, or do whatever you think it wants you to do to stop it from fucking you up. You’re relentlessly ass-kissing.
Greed, you try to bargain with the shit - or with anyone else who can help - for survival so long as there’s the slightest chance they can be bargained with. (Note to the MS - it can. NAME YOUR PRICE works great here.).
Sloth, you refuse to acknowledge it. If you can, you’ll rationalise it away, and if you can’t, you just don’t experience it at all. Everything’s cool - there’s nothing to worry about!
Envy, you fall into a mad frenzy of blaming the people around you for what’s happened, lamenting your uselessness and demanding their help. Get in everyone’s way and be completely and relentlessly needy.

Or, you can fill one of your Sin circles with pen - from now on, you can’t respond to temptation in a less intense way. (Like if you filled in Minor Wrath, you could not react to that stimuli in a less intense way than screaming abuse at someone.)