Barf Forth Apocalyptica

powered by the apocalypse => Sagas of the Icelanders => Topic started by: aaronbefus on September 14, 2014, 01:45:57 PM

Title: Our first attempt at SOTI
Post by: aaronbefus on September 14, 2014, 01:45:57 PM
Iceland 900 AD

Moeid “the Raven’, who came over with the original settlers and is the matriarch of an established and successful family.

Katla,  a respected and powerful fortune teller.

Njal “Night Wolf”, Katla’s Huscarl and a raider.He is young and eager to prove his worth and bravery

Caern, who became enslaved trying to make it on his own following the collapse of the pictish empire.     

Hrafnkl, a mysterious wanderer whose motivations are shrouded in mystery.

The Spring. 

Caern tending the horses, Katla her garden, Hrafnkl arriving with some merchants. Njal with his feet up.  Moeid at the center of it all.

Hrafnkl asks Njal for passage on his ship to the Godi’s Hall.  Njall refuses and Hrafnkl attempts to swim.  He flounders and Hrafnkl saves him.  Moeid invites everyone over for lunch.  Katla comes bearing an omen of a storm.

With the storm, comes a vessel being chased by a viking ship.  Even as the menfolk race to  save the besieged ship, Katla reveals herself as a peace weaver and the vikings flee.  Njal, his men and hrafnkel go to rescue the floundering ship.  It smashes on the rocks, tossing out the two on board.  Caern falls trying to climb down and Katla races to help him.  Hrafnkl is thrown from the ship by a wave and Njall crashes his ship into the rocks, he and his men then rescue those in the water but abandon the ship as a lost cause. 

After some deliberation, the two rescues, Irish priests named Liam and Sean are granted to Moeid as slaves.  The raiders are wanted for livestock theft and piracy.  The Godi offers a reward for their being brought to justice.

Katla and Moeid agree that violence is not the answer.  They offer to Njall advice to treat with the raiders instead of war with them.

Just as summer is starting, Njall prepares his men for a mission, accompanied by Cearn, Rolf and Katla.