More thoughts - I think I might get rid of the Triat thing, or at least reduce its significance and change the setting to an Ancient World kind of thing. For the core I'm defiinitely changing the nature of the playbooks (Now Legends) - they're not scions of pre-existing powers, they're humans and almost-humans who through sheer force of will have grasped some cosmic principle which they now embody. Here's some sketches of Legends:
The Adversary (Wicked and Glorious.) (Still figuring out name - The Outcast, The Lion?)
Opposes all the powers that be, refines all around her through constant trial and challenge. Demands the best.
The Artisan (Wyrd and Glorious.)
Merchant of wonders, purveyor of Wisdom. Wonders can be produced and distributed en masse? Maybe not, but the intent is that the things you invent will definitely change the way people live.
The Beast (Wyrd and Mighty.)
Semi-human beast at the peripheries of society. Struggling to cope with being neither human nor animal - has a unique relationship with both. Still figuring this out.
The Conqueror (Glorious and Mighty.)
Leading crusades, claiming bloodied thrones - expanding forever.
The Messiah (Wyrd and Glorious.)
Wield judgement. I've actually got some old stuff from Creation which I've dug up and used for it. Stuff in brackets is stuff I'm tossing up whether to include.
Pure in word.
Blessed are the Meek
For they shall inherit the Earth
Limit Break
#1: You are a paragon of light and virtue, the Highest of Holies. You are incapable of looking past the infinite faults and foibles of those around you, and from them you demand perfection. You maintain an ascetic devotion to your virtues, embodying them to the fullest extent possible. You escape Limit Break when your insatiable demand for perfection alienates you from the people you love.
? Impossibly Righteous Judgement
When you denounce some practice which contradicts your Principles, so do your worshippers - they gain the Principle in question at a grade equal to your own. You can only do this once for each Principle. If a worshipper witnesses you acting against that Principle (and they will hold you to the highest standard), it transforms into a negative Tie towards you.
? Triumphant Demagogue’s Manoeuvre
Roll+Glorious instead of +Wicked to manipulate anyone who has worshipped you.
? Majestic Radiant Presence
All who perceive you (or hold your image in their mind) will feel no fear, nor sadness, nor anything but radiant warmth.
? Unbreakable Fascination Method
So long as you speak, all who hear your words are compelled to listen, (and to leave aside their prejudices,) and none will interrupt you unless you allow it.
? Temple Self Apotheosis
When you are worshipped, your worshippers are overcome with a sensation of reverence - they suffer a Minor Delusion that you are perfect, just and holy, and are incapable of perceiving evidence to the contrary.
The Shaman (Wicked and Wyrd.)
Bargain with otherworldly creatures. Not much juice in this idea - might scrap it.
The Trickster (Wicked and Wyrd.)
I feel a lot of overlap with the Adversary here - isn't that interesting! I wonder what the ideas have in common? The Trickster is more about exposing the powerful as clowns and robbing them of their respect.
The Witch-King (Wyrd and Glorious)
Rules through fear and pacts with otherworldly beings, insatiable demands.
I can't think of a way to put Wicked and Mighty together right now. I'll think of something!
So I finished my first draft of a playbook that's not adapted from anything and I'm really proud of it! The Warrior is all about being brash and headstrong and fighting for a cause, whether by violence or passionate outbursts.
The Warrior
Heavenly Guardian, Soldier of Fate,
Wandering Swordswoman, Peregrine Knight:
Keeper or breaker of peace?
Wicked -1, Wyrd -1, Glorious +1, Mighty +1
You start with:
• A Ruling Principle of devotion to yours and your peoples’ freedom.
• A Major Tie of love & respect forged in battle for one of your Circle - were they with you or against you when it happened? addition to the Passions that you choose for yourself.
Limit Break
You know no fear. You need to charge head first into whatever’s set you off and crash up against it until you get what you want. You can never retreat, and you can never use less than the maximum possible force. You escape Limit Break when your actions hurt someone you really care about.
Pick 2 of the following:
? Claiming Bloodied Thrones
When you triumph over a Worthy Opponent, roll+Mighty. On a 7+, you assume leadership of their Peoples immediately, no questions asked. On a 7-9, the MC picks 1:
• An insurgency resists your rule - constitute them as a people with 1 less Magnitude than the most numerous People you’re assuming control of and a Ruling Tie of hatred towards you.
• You get more than you bargained for - their peoples are facing an imminent threat which only you can prevent.
? Battle-Forged Foe Understanding
When you meet an opponent in open conflict, Discern Intent with Mighty instead of Wyrd. Additionally, using the move in this way informs you of any Ties they hold towards you, free of charge.
? Death-Devouring Oni Countenance
You can steep yourself in a transcendent aura of violence-to-come. When you do, inflict an Emotion of sheer terror on any who see you or hear you. Anyone who has beaten this fear and faced you head on is immune to this move forevermore.
? Tiger Warrior Legion
When you spend a season training a people in the art of war, constitute them as an army (+1) with a Ruling Passion of your choice, determined at the end of the season. (Your average army is =0, +1 is like an elite guard that's devo soldiering.)
? Against The World
When you meet an army in battle, alone, you can take on thousands without breaking a sweat - give yourself the Army +3 tag. (Basically means you fight as an army of thousands, like the Gunlugger's NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH turning them into a small gang. I'm also tossing up whether to say this gives you a bonus to arguing in front of a hostile crowd or turning that into its own move.)
? Heavenly Guardian Defence
When you fight to defend something you care about, by word or by sword, take advantages equal to the grade of the Passion.