Barf Forth Apocalyptica
powered by the apocalypse => Dungeon World => Topic started by: azato on June 30, 2012, 11:15:48 AM
I am taking my group through the Hidden Shrine. I am working on the key for the module. Rather than post the whole thing here is the link to feel free to comment, criticize and use.
Wow! That's a lot of re-skinning Azato, but cool nonetheless :)
I'd just run it on the fly y'know? But all power to you for all that prep. I really like the impending dooms you've generated for the dangers and all the separate defy danger results for the traps. Very comprehensive!
Well done.
This was mostly done....I had like the first 2/3rds kinda refigured. But disaster hit and I lost two players. I thought I only lost one, but there was an email that I didn't get. Sooooo....taking two players through this would have not been fun for them so I went (at the last minute with Plan B..which I will post later).
There are a number of concepts, like traps, I would like to see the communities take on, so I will be pulling stuff out into the open air and see what happens.