Barf Forth Apocalyptica
powered by the apocalypse => Monsterhearts => Topic started by: James Mullen on May 23, 2012, 05:45:12 AM
This is an idea that's been rattling around in my head since I first saw the alpha draft of Monsterhearts and now that I've played the game a couple of times, I thought I'd have a go at putting the idea into words. It's still pretty raw and unfinished, but the basic idea is to a play a character whilst flagging up the idea that their destiny is to become one of the other skins. I'm thinking of certain characters who you just know are going to end up as vampires as soon as they get introduced into the narrative.
The Chrysalis
You could be anything. You’re full of potential, a whole life of opportunities opening up in front of you. The fire of youth burns in your veins: let it flow and you could forge yourself into something unique and special.
There’s a shadow over your future though and a price to be paid for becoming the most you could be. Change isn’t easy and making yourself anew means sacrificing everything that you are right now. When the time comes, what will you be?
bright, fragile, withdrawn, child-like, plain
intense eyes, curious eyes, distant eyes, sparkling eyes, confident eyes
honour student, track star, computer geek, born victim, hanger-on
Agree with someone that you are BFFs. Take 2 Strings on each other.
Someone likes to make you the butt of all their jokes. They gain 1 String on you.
Chrysalis Moves:
You get this one and choose one more.
Talent: Choose one skill you excel at. Take +1 to your roll when using your Talent in any move.
Pliable: You may give a String to a character who has no Strings on you in order to get any of the same benefits as spending a String on them.
Social Network: Whenever you meet an NPC for the first time, choose: take 1 String on them or give them a String against you and mark experience.
Fast Learner: Take +1 forward whenever anyone uses a condition on you to give themselves a bonus.
Sex Move:
When you have sex with someone, they select one skin that you cannot become.
Darkest Self:
You die but you are reborn as something else. Choose another skin that you now become; do whatever is necessary to start playing that skin. The Sex Move and Darkest Self of the skin you become replace The Chrysalis’, but you retain all Strings and conditions and may still choose moves from The Chrysalis when you advance.
I'll just do this in short form comments. Hope that's alright.
Backstory: I'd change this from "Agree with someone" to "You consider someone to be your bff. Give them two strings." After all, it's more interesting if they may not consider you THEIR best friend. Much more open to a broken heart and interesting play.
Moves: Social Network is way overpowered as written. Using that move alone could keep xp flowing like water. Sure, lots of people will have strings on you if you go for the xp, but it gets far too easy to get the xp.
Sex move: Maybe it's just me, but I feel it's rather bland, and it doesn't fit the fiction well. Let's say the Chrysalis boinks the captain of the Lacrosse team. Why would this prevent the character from becoming a vampire?
Darkest self: The way you describe becoming your darkest self is a bit strange to me. Basically it indicates that the entire skin is temporary, since you ditch everything except your name and strings as soon as you become your darkest self.
In general, I can see the attraction in being able to become anything you want, a being of pure potential, and I can see the basic idea of the skin being temporary. The big question, to me, is whether spending time to create a Chrysalis is really worth it, since you won't be playing it for, probably, more than a couple of hours until you become your darkest self.
Personally, I can see The Hollow filling the niche already.
Pliable and Social Network are both incredibly cool moves.
I don't know that I get the appeal of this Skin, though. Is it meant for players that don't know what they want to be at the start of the game, giving them some in-game time to ponder it? Is it meant to be supernatural (at current, there are no concrete supernatural elements)?
Can you describe a quick scene of The Chrysalis being awesome, and also a quick scene which'd be The Chrysalis' ideal sex scene?
I think, on reflection, the skin is a little too meta: it's about the player's motivation rather that the character's. I still like the idea of announcing that you want to play a mortal character who will later become supernatural, but that's probably better done in conversation with the MC and other players and doesn't require a skin dedicated to it.