Barf Forth Apocalyptica

the swamp provides => Rogue Trader: Apocalypse => Topic started by: theloneamigo on July 08, 2010, 08:35:12 PM

Title: Example Fronts (from my game)
Post by: theloneamigo on July 08, 2010, 08:35:12 PM
Obviously, please don't read these if you're actually playing the game.

This is what I have drawn up so far for my current game, which involves two player characters - a Rogue Trader named Wilberforce veBarro who has just been snatched from a comfortable life managing his family's trade mission on a minor Callixus Sector world to command the newly salvaged Blancheviperre, and his dangerous Arch-Militant bodyguard, Khergan the Fist (until recently known as Prisoner 06008, for as-yet unrevealed reasons). Their ship has recently been commandeered under unusual circumstances by a mysterious Inquisitor.

Home Front

Flaxxus Sand - Magos and High Tech Priest
Curiousity, technical assistance, longwinded
Impulse: to investigate, to blather

Gilliam deVorche - Navigator
Impulse: to flee battle, to avoid dangers in the warp

Quintus Xavian - Seneschal
Impulse: to control, to ensure profit, to know

Terrigan Finch - Captain-at-Arms
Impulse: to protect the ship, to defend his honor
Conflicts with Khergan - distrusts the former criminal

Proctor Zephira Qi - Mistress of the Guns

Cartography and Cataloguing Department
Impulse: to control knowledge, to remain secretive
Cast: Ordinate-Major Darrick d'Allezandro

Threat moves:
 - Disseminate useless maps.
 - Show the true location of something dangerous.
 - Discover something.
 - Intrude on something.

Custom move: to get anything out of the Department, roll + Charming. On a 12+, they'll tell you where they are. On a 10+, they'll give you a map. On a 7-9, they'll give you a map, but choose 1:
- It's pretty damn inaccurate.
- Cartography demands a shipment of luxuries and supplies before they hand it over.

The Blancheviperre

Crew population countdown: 6 o'clock, some casualties, underpopulated

Armsmen Population Countdown (2-harm large gang 1-armor): 9 o'clock, on the verge of breaking

Crew morale countdown: 3 o'clock, orcs on lower decks

Hull points countdown: 3 o'clock


Thunderstrike macrocannons (3-harm close/midrange prow messy)

*Hidden Thunderstrike battery (3-harm close/midrange dorsal messy)

Armor: 2-armor void shields

*Hidden Librarium Vault: Special move: investigate family secrets. Roll Adroit. 10+, hold 3, 7-9 hold 1. Answer a question
 - Did Sarina veBarro encounter ____?
 - How did Sarina respond to ____?
 - Is a given legend about the veBarros true?
 - What was Sarina's biggest fear?
 - Where did the Blancheviperre travel?
 - Where did they find great wealth?
 - How did the Blancheviperre defeat enemies in battle?

The Orks in the Hold

Kind: Orks
Impulse: to raid, to cause havoc

Threat moves:
- Cause havoc at inappropriate moments.
- Steal cargo.
- Breed.

Aunt Jezmerelda

Kind: Relative, Rogue Trader
Impulse: Insult, berate, control
Description & Cast: Jezmerelda, immensely fat aged woman.
Custom Move: Whenever Jezmerelda is around, Wilberforce takes -1 Bold.

The Draxxus Conspiracy

Exhibits: Treachery
Darkness of the Future: The Rage Thirsters destroy the demon lord Calligula, as the Committee planned. They take his power and become demon lords themselves, using their knowledge of the Callixis sector to wage terrible war.


The Committee

Kind: Gathering
Impulse: to own, to corrupt, to manipulate
Description & Cast:

- Charlon diMaggio. Cousin to Wilberforce, former school chum, aboard the light cruiser Major Arcana. Charming. Sly. Bloody smart. Behind the whole operation.
- Corrigan the Fat. Well-armed, heavy cruiser Thunder Chalice. Not the brains of the outfit.
- the Schultzwarg sisters. Katherine aboard the Poison'd Wind and Gundrissa aboard the Pride of Blood.

Threat Moves
 - Offer vast rewards
 - Draw on past loyalties. (Charlon)
 - Lie and manipulate.
 - Attack peripheral holdings.
 - Launch cultist attacks.
 - Orbital bombardment. (Thunder Chalice)

The Draxxus System

Kind: Chaos world
Impulse: to entice, to corrupt, to destroy

Cast: The demon lord Calligula. Slaneesh.

Threat moves;
 - Entice with visions.
 - Corrupt through dreams.
 - Conceal the true path.
 - Disrupt warp travel.
 - Provoke a horrific choice.
 - Disgorge daemonettes.

Rage Thirsters

Kind: Space Marines (lost)
Impulse: to destroy Calligula, to seek revenge
Description & Cast: For innumerable years the remaining Rage Thirsters have battled across the worlds of the Draxxus System, abandoned by Sarina veBarro. They have not yet succumbed to the temptation of Slaneesh, and they slaughter demons and nightmares in an ending war against the lord of Draxxus, Calligula. They resupply their weapons and armour from the chaos warriors they slaughter, and thus they are still incredibly tainted.

Captain Largath - Ancient battle-captain wielding power sword and teleport pack. Thanks to alterations, he can teleport the entire squad across the entire system
Sergeant Korvan - Sergeant wielding dual power-eviscerators.
Other marines: Erasmus (techmarine), Thalliost (librarian), Argus (devastator), Brominade, Corrian, Hormac, Lester


Threat Moves
 - Inflict terrible harm.
 - Teleport attack.
 - Ignore pleas for mercy.
 - Call on the past.

Arbites Venator Barghon

Kind: Hunter
Impulse: to hunt Coldwine at all costs
Description & Cast: Hails from the same world as Khergan - an old friend / adversary, both his childhood friend and the person who put him away. Has been persuaded / bribed by Charlon to pursue Coldwine at all costs. There is a warrant with her name on every world in the Callixus Sector.

He commands a fast Arbites patrol frigate, the Lawgiver, which he is using to pursue Coldwine.

Threat moves:
 - Put a warrant out for Khergan.
 - Draw on Arbites resources.
 - Boarding action with the Lawgiver.
 - Outmanuever in the Lawgiver.
 - Master Tracker.

Inquisitor Coldwine

Kind: Inquisitor
Impulse: To take control, to manipulate, to win at all costs
Description & Cast: Inquisitor Bella Elipheth Coldwine, amazing with daggers (3-harm archaic) and eldar pulse rifle (3-harm close/far silent). She is quick with insults.

Khergan's read: How to get her to reveal her weakness? Seduce her.

Retinue: Damega Antares (interrogator), Gear d'Elektro (tech-priest), Mengsk (brute) and 7 others (3-harm gang small disciplined 2-armour).

Threat Moves:
 - Insult and demean
 - Manipulate and threaten
 - Use xenos technology
 - Draw on the Imperial Litanies
 - Use Inquisitorial Seal
 - Launch an assault.
 - Take control of something.

Retinue moves
 Damega Antares: Interrogate prisoner. Fence. Draw on contacts.
 Mensgk: Inflict terrible harm.
 Gear d'Elektro: Investigate xenos technology.
Title: Re: Example Fronts (from my game)
Post by: tonydowler on July 09, 2010, 06:12:14 PM
Reading these I not totally get Rogue Trader! This makes me want to play the game.