Barf Forth Apocalyptica
powered by the apocalypse => Dungeon World => Topic started by: sage on May 02, 2011, 03:21:49 PM
The newest version of Dungeon World is out: (
We're pushing towards a final release, so there shouldn't be anything left that's a placeholder. There are a few things we want to add or mess with, but consider this our first shot at a finished game.
Which, of course, means we'd love you to tell us what we did wrong. Play the game, read the game, tell use what doesn't work and what is hard to understand. We're particularly interested in high level play, so if you feel like throwing a few characters into the planes or the lower depths, that'd be great.
We're still accepting Guild members too, as always, so just drop us a line if you've got thoughts.
The monster section looks awesome.
A small but important detail for future editions: the labels for boxes sometimes obscure the text in the boxes (this is especially true of the "gear" box on the character sheet).
Hi Sage and Adam
thanks for your work!
About DW Hack
misstyping: pg 3 Undertake a Perilous Journey (Con) use MC instead of GM
..ok, that was easy ;)
Just a suggestion: Player moves on pg 28. My first reaction to the reading was: "wtf? I should use the moves with the monster? roll for the monster?" After a second reading I understood the obvious meaning is to use moves related to the monster.
I thought to be the only one dumb guy, but in another forum another user gets the same impression. Maybe it is a not native language issue, but I just let you to know.
It would be handy for duplex printing if you'd add a blank page between p1 and p2.
Sorry if it has been already answered in other places.
In DW hack is missing anything related to how much experience for each level or how many moves can be choose each level. Is it intended? Should I apply for Adv Guild to learn more? ;)
Also related: if a PC pass to level 2 andd higher can choose also some of initial characther moves or have to choose only the advanced ones?
Thanks everyone!
Ha! I can't believe we used MC. Thanks for the catch.
The phrasing in the monster section should probably make that clear, you're right. At first there was just talk about mosnters having "moves" but really there needs to be some clarification of what types of moves. A monster has to have GM moves, otherwise its not interesting. It may have player-facing moves as well.
Duplex printing has suffered recently, and we'll be trying to fix it up around that. This release was laregly about getting feedback ASAP so we can fix up the text while we work on layout. Unfortunately that means some ugliness, like this, but it was a tradeoff we had to make.
The advancement chapter should be in the Hack version, I'll look into that. Creating a higher level character should be as easy as applying the level up steps the right number of times.
FYI, a Ranger move is hidden behind the "Other Moves" box.
"When you speak a command to your animal com-..."
(That said, the new character sheets are slick.)
Damn, thought I caught all those! Sorry! Another version coming soon, of course.
Glad you like the new sheets. I actually don't love them, not sure why yet. But I'm focused on the print layout and trifold sheets, so I'm trying not to worry about it.
You just had to go and release a new PDF today after I printed and coil-bound two copies of the previous version last night. :)
How about a little grace period before tweaked versions are released? Give us time to play with the "latest and greatest" PDF, noting errata, and maybe release updated PDFs bi-weekly or monthly?
Seems like the last week there's been a ton of updates and it's hard to keep straight what's being updated vs. what's been lost, etc.
Just a suggestion.
We'll be slowing down now, as we mostly tweak specific moves and my writing (I love the comma splice :) ). Sorry for the pace of updates, the class-based damage was a last minute fix. From here on out it's all minor edits and rebalances, so less need to push them out fast.
We'll be slowing down now, as we mostly tweak specific moves and my writing (I love the comma splice :) ). Sorry for the pace of updates, the class-based damage was a last minute fix. From here on out it's all minor edits and rebalances, so less need to push them out fast.
Right on. I'm sure there might be others who disagree and want the updates now, now, now! :)
I just think it might be better to space the releases long enough for people to absorb, play and provide feedback in addition to the glaring errors which can be fixed for a later release anyways. I mean, it is a playtest, so those little errors are understandable.
My 2 cents!
We're really ramping up the production speed now as we come into the final twists and turns. We've always sort of made the choice to develop in the open and in crunch time, that's going to lead to "patching" of the rules from day to day.
That said, I can totally see where it'd be a bummer to print a copy and then have us be like "OH YOU HAVE THE WRONG ONE" for that you can hold 1 over me and redeem it later for some mea culpa when I'm not so busy editing out Sage's comma splices.
This is something that the Dungeon World iOS app is going to solve - when we "roll new code" to Dungeon World (whether its new classes, extra monsters, etc) everyone who has the app gets the stuff automatically! Kind of awesome.
Expect to see, though, regular postings of PDFs and update notices until print day. It's going to be a bit of a crazy ride (thanks for coming along!)
Right on. Like I said, just a suggestion. I'll just hold off on playing until a more finalized version releases.
I prefer quick updates so that we can have the latest and greatest and we aren't playtesting something that's already changed.
I think the solution is to just print certain things you will need in play. For instance, don't print the GM Fronts section as that's for mostly between sessions. You also probably don't need the wounds and damage section and character creation or the first few pages either. Just prin the basic moves, special moves, gear, and whatever monsters you want for the session.
or just write up what the changes are here and people can choose to use them or not depending on the preference between releases.
or just write up what the changes are here and people can choose to use them or not depending on the preference between releases.
That's an interesting idea. Is this what you've been using?
I'm just worried that some of these changes are being made so quickly, if they are even getting playtested.
kind of. we tend to guess as to what the changes are off of what is said on the forums. (like encumbrance or the latest change to hack and slash). we play usually once a week so we tend to be able to try most of the things. (also after playing as much as we have we can usually look at the changes and make a pretty good guess as to how they are going to impact out game.)
In the last Dungeon World release the enhancements for the fighter base weapon list:
?Frighteningly big. +1 damage, but +1 weight.
?Vicious barbs. +1 damage.
?Huge. +messy, +forceful.
I thing Frighteningly big should be revised or eliminated, it seems redundant with the other two enhancements.
not really. remember signature weapon allows you to choose to upgrades to your weapon. vicious barbs gives you a free +1 but if you want more damage you need to take frighteningly large, which will give you an additional +1 at the cost of +1 weight. it also adds to the color of the weapon, as being massive.
messy and forceful do not add damage at all, but give color to the narrative of beatin heads.
if you are merely talking about the names... sure, kinda redundant.
I did not thought about the combo Frightening+Viciuos. Could be an answer, but it seems a bit odd to me.
I was thinking about comething like
Frighteningly Huge: +messy, +forceful,+1 damage, but +1 weight.
I'll try out in some game...
Forgive me if I've missed something completely obvious, but every character sheet refers to Simple, Hard, and Complex items, like armour and weapons, but so far as I can tell, the equipment sections don't actually refer to weapons or armour as being Simple or Complex.
I'm trying to organise a group to give this game a go, but I'm stuck on this bit! The word "simple" just doesn't appear in the PDF within the equipment sections.
Forgive me if I've missed something completely obvious, but every character sheet refers to Simple, Hard, and Complex items, like armour and weapons, but so far as I can tell, the equipment sections don't actually refer to weapons or armour as being Simple or Complex.
I'm trying to organise a group to give this game a go, but I'm stuck on this bit! The word "simple" just doesn't appear in the PDF within the equipment sections.
Simon that is a holdover from a previous version. Those tags are no longer used as far as I can tell.
I'm just going by what is in the current version of the hack pdf that I found on Sage's website - every character's gear section seems to mention those tags as their usable gear, but like I said, those terms don't exist beyond the character sheets. I assumed it was a mistake, but I wanted to double-check!
Just wanted to say that I'm starting to get the "feel" for the game and I'm really enjoying it. I can't wait to buy a beautiful print version so I could sit around and cuddle it while I wished that I had friends.
I thought I'd put this here so maybe somebody will see it.
Are 1st-level hirelings meant to be worthless?
Consider the 1st-level Tracker and Warrior. They're only good at tracking and warrioring 0th-level creatures, which I don't know to exist.
So, maybe it should be "not higher level than" or "equal to or less than" or something.
Also, maybe hirelings should cost more gold. A 9th level hireling costs a whopping 18 GP per adventure/dangerous situation, which I think probably isn't a problem for most 10th level characters. Likewise, 2GP (1st level hireling) is (almost) chump change for a 2nd level character, in my experience.
I'm curious when the next version will be released. I'm dieing to see an updated version of the game!
We have plans, which we will announce soon. Hang in there!
Promises, promises... You've also been coy on your twitter account. B-)
For reals, looking forward to any news.
Honestly, the biggest thing holding me up right now is time to talk about it. We have a plan, something's coming, but not what we expected.
See there. You did it again. Left me wanting to know more...
I'm digging the slow pace of the next release. Gives us time to soak in the latest.
Gotta say I am itching see what's to come though.
Okay, the news is out ( Dungeon World Preview Edition is coming to GenCon, the full game is still being developed.
Why the split? To make the best game possible and still have something sweet to show at GenCon to drive more play. Kind of like the beta that Pathfinder did.
The Preview Edition (colloquially known as the Red Book) features four classes, playable to level 5, with an included adventure. We've trimmed a few things from the book to keep it tight, but the Red Book is a great way to get into the Adventurer's Guild, if you haven't yet.
I'm curious to see what your version of a DW adventure looks like!
Will these 4 classes (I'm assuming Fighter, Thief, Wizard, and Cleric) play well with the beta test Ranger, Paladin, etc? No major design changes correct?
Nope! You guess the classes right, and they're actually pretty much just subsets of the ones that are currently out there. We stuck to the moves that we were the surest in. In fact, all the starting moves are the same (except when they referenced something that's not in the preview, like groups).
As far as the rules go, the preview edition has only minor changes. A few rewordings and such, mostly for clarity.
The main difference is in how the GMing section is presented and the included adventure.
Awesome! That's what I figured. Looking forward to introducing people to it.
Will we get a look at it anytime soon? To crowd source typo searching if nothing else.
Honestly, the biggest thing holding me up right now is time to talk about it. We have a plan, something's coming, but not what we expected.
I certainly hope so, I found Dungeon World a few weeks ago and my group loves it. We the rules are simple enough that it really gives a quick startup time for any new party of adventurers and we really enjoyed that it was not terribly serious.
On a side note, I would like to be admitted to the Guild if new members are still being accepted.
Sure thing, Tristan. Just email
Is there a PDF of the Red Book? I couldn't make it to Gen Con, but I'd be willing to put some money down for it. If there's fulfillment for the book somewhere, I'd be interested in that as well.
My group found a typo.
Wizard spell list, level 1. The first spell is named "Light" but is actually a summoning spell.
My group found a typo.
Wizard spell list, level 1. The first spell is named "Light" but is actually a summoning spell.
Yeah, it's Contact Spirits.
This is an old thread for a pre-Basic Gamma. Let's let it sink. We've got the spell list fixed.